EnRoute Family Office


Privacy Statement


EnRoute Global™ Exchange and the Pro-Ture Group of Companies subsidiaries recognize the importance of protecting the privacy of all information provided by users of our website. We created the following policy guidelines with a fundamental respect for our users’ right to privacy.

EnRoute Global™ Exchange and the Pro-Ture Group of Companies subsidiaries are not responsible for the content or the privacy polices of websites to which it may provide links. Those are links to servers maintained by other businesses and organizations. Those links are provided as a service to users. EnRoute Global™ Exchange and the Pro-Ture Group of Companies subsidiaries also cannot provide any warranty about the accuracy
or source of the information contained on any of those servers or the content of
any file the user might download from those sites.

Use of Information

EnRoute Global™ Exchange and the Pro-Ture Group of Companies subsidiaries use reasonable precautions to keep the personal information disclosed to us secure and does not disclose this information to third parties. Information obtained via our website is strictly used by EnRoute Global™ Exchange and the Pro-Ture Group of Companies subsidiaries internally.

Any information collected during the registration process will not be distributed or sold to outside parties.