EnRoute Family Office

Empower Your Employees' Journey with EnRoute Insurance Group's Family Protection and Wealth Advisory

Guiding Your Team Through Life's Twists and Turns - Ensuring Security, Protecting Dreams

Life is an adventure, filled with unexpected moments and unforeseen challenges. While your employees focus on their aspirations, EnRoute Insurance Group stands as their steadfast guardian, safeguarding their families and their futures. In today’s fast-paced world, where uncertainties abound, our mission is to serve as a beacon of reliability, offering more than just insurance services. We’re committed to providing comprehensive coverage that evolves with the changing needs of life, ensuring peace of mind and stability for your employees as they navigate their personal and professional journeys.


EnRoute Insurance Group takes pride in being a trusted partner, offering customizable insurance solutions tailored to the unique circumstances of your employees. Whether it’s protecting their homes, securing their children’s education, or preparing for retirement, we’re dedicated to crafting plans that align with their dreams and aspirations. As their unwavering ally, we empower your employees to face the future with confidence, knowing that EnRoute is there to support and protect their families every step of the way. In a world of constant change, EnRoute Insurance Group remains steadfast, providing a source of security and preparedness, ensuring that your employees can navigate life’s twists and turns with resilience and peace of mind.

Welcome to EnRoute Family Office - Elevating Your Employee Benefits

At EnRoute Family Office, we understand that nurturing a thriving workforce involves more than just a paycheck. It’s about providing comprehensive benefits that support your employees in every aspect of their lives. Our Employer Benefits program is designed to empower both your team and your business, ensuring that everyone can flourish together. Here’s a glimpse into what we offer:

EnRoute Empowerment Suite: Tailored Solutions

Crafting Customized Benefits Solutions for Your Unique Organization

We understand the challenges businesses face in retaining valuable employees and attracting new talent. As a business owner, you know the importance of going the extra mile to ensure your team feels valued and secure in their roles. That’s why we offer specialized compensation arrangements designed to retain key employees and reward exceptional performance.   Our suite of benefits includes customizable packages tailored to your company’s needs and the preferences of your employees. Whether you’re a small startup or a large corporation, we have solutions that fit.  

  • Employee Benefits Plans: From financial health checks to retirement savings options, we offer comprehensive employee benefits plans that prioritize the well-being and financial security of your workforce.
  • Bonus Plans: Reward your top performers with executive bonus plans that provide essential financial protection, including income replacement, college funding, estate liquidity, and supplemental retirement benefits.
  • Deferred Compensation Plans: Help your employees save on income taxes while building cash reserves for the future with our deferred compensation plans.
Furthermore, we offer an array of supplementary insurance options to enhance your benefits package. These include disability income insurance, life insurance, accident insurance, critical illness insurance, hospital indemnity insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, and paid family medical leave.

Additionally, our small business solutions encompass a suite of ancillary benefits tailored for employers with 2-9 employees. These plans feature straightforward designs selected to cater to the unique needs of the small business market.   At EnRoute, we’re committed to helping your organization thrive by crafting benefits solutions that align with your business goals and support the well-being of your employees. Let us help you build a stronger, more resilient workforce.
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EnRoute Wellness Shield: Health and Wellness

Nurturing Employee Well-Being with Holistic Health Benefits

A healthy workforce is a productive one. Our benefits include comprehensive health insurance options, wellness programs, and resources to support mental and physical well-being. From gym memberships to counseling services, we prioritize the holistic health of your team.

EnRoute Financial Fortress: Financial Security

Securing Your Future with Resilient Financial Benefits

Financial stress can impact employee morale and performance. Our suite of financial benefits aims to alleviate worries and promote stability. From financial health checks to debt-free lifestyle plans, college savings, retirement plans to investment opportunities and financial education resources, we help your employees build a secure future – free from debt and a plan to achieve generational wealth.

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EnRoute Harmony Haven: Work-Life Balance

Fostering Harmony and Success in Work and Life

We understand the importance of maintaining a harmonious balance between work and personal life. Our benefits support flexible work arrangements, paid time off, parental leave, and other initiatives that enable your team to thrive both professionally and personally.

EnRoute Growth Catalyst: Professional Development

Empowering Growth and Progression Through Development Initiatives

 Investing in the growth and development of your employees is key to retaining top talent. Our benefits include access to training programs, educational resources, and opportunities for career advancement, fostering a culture of continuous learning and progression.

Happy African American young woman packing suitcase at home. Preparing for summer holidays abroad.
The word benefits made from cutout letters

EnRoute Efficiency Engine: Seamless Administration

Fostering Harmony and Success in Work and Life

Managing employee benefits shouldn’t be a headache. Our streamlined administrative processes and dedicated support team ensure smooth implementation and ongoing management of your benefits program, saving you time and resources.

Fostering Harmony and Success in Work and Life

EnRoute Family Office: Your Guiding Light in the Realm of Employee Benefits.

Illuminate Your Path to Success with Our Unparalleled Expertise and Personalized Service

Unlock the full potential of your workforce with EnRoute Family Office. Our commitment to excellence, personalized service, and innovative solutions ensures that your organization’s employee benefits program remains a beacon of success in today’s dynamic landscape. Contact us today to discover how we can elevate your organization’s journey to prosperity.

Why Choose EnRoute Family Office?

Elevate your employee benefits with EnRoute Family Office and unlock the full potential of your workforce. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your organization’s success.